MGHardy (毛毛)
2017-07-03 23:21:35Andre Iguodala’s son nearly cried when he told him he might leave Warriors
A day after ending his free agency tug-of-war with the Warriors and agreeingto
a three-year, $48 million deal, Andre Iguodala joined NBA TV to discuss
his realistic thoughts about leaving and the factors that led to his decisiont
o return to the defending champs.
上NBA TV谈到他对于可能离开以及最后那些因素让他决定留在卫冕军的想法。
Among them: Iguodala’s 10-year-old son, who had no interest in leaving allhe
’s come to know in the Bay Area.
其中一个原因: 小AI的10岁大的儿子,完全不想离开湾区。
“The guy sitting across from me, my son, he’s playing Madden,” Iguodala
told NBA TV. “I told him I had some options, other teams I was looking at.Isa
id we might be leaving and he started crying.”
我也有在看其他队,我说我们可能会离开勇士,然后呢? 然后他就哭惹。”
In the background of the call, you can then hear Iguodala’s son interruptingh
is father’s call.
“You did. Yes, you did,” Iguodala’s heard talking to his son, before
telling NBA TV: “He said he was close but he wasn’t crying.”
Despite his free agency only lasting about 25 hours, the courting of Iguodalah
ad a bit of drama. He took meetings with the Spurs, Kings, Lakers and
Rockets, before cancelling a few more. Many believed the flirting was about
negotiating leverage — scaring the Warriors into upping their offer from twoy
ears and less annual money to three fully guaranteed years and a bit more.
And if it was, it worked. But Iguodala said the meetings weren’t just a
ploy, there was a realistic chance he was going to leave.
“Sometimes guys get in trouble when you try to use leverage with another
team and they don’t think they’re ever going to go there but they try to
use them as leverage,” Iguodala told NBA TV. “I never take that approach.
Whenever I take a meeting or have another opportunity with another
organization, I take it very seriously.”
But after a day of drama, Iguodala got a market-appropriate three-year, $48
million offer from the Warriors and accepted it.
“At the end, it came down to (the fact that) we won two championships in
three years, have a special thing rolling,” Iguodala said. “Draymond text
me and said, ‘I don’t care how much you make, just want to keep this thingro
lling.’ We got a great relationship. KD text me as well. I had to find
Steph. He’s out enjoying himself, but he said the same thing.”