You are using too much space. 14 days remain until deletion.
We see that your account is using 5xx.74 GB, which is over your disk space
allocation of 50 GB.
Visit https://mega.nz/#fm/account to see a breakdown of your usage. Please
note your rubbish counts toward your usage, and needs to be cleared to free
up space.
As your account is over quota, we have disabled uploads and synchronization
using MEGAsync.
To continue to use MEGA, please upgrade to one of our paid plans. You have 14
days left to take action. If the account remains over quota after 2015-08-11,
ALL your files, folders and shares will be permanently deleted.
Start the upgrade process by clicking on the red button below, or visiting
意思是说8/11后 我的资料都会被删除?
想说之前没限容量 用的蛮爽的