[资讯] 第二学期法语课程报名热烈开跑!

楼主: lighter12345 (卷麻花花到山岗)   2019-04-08 22:51:09
有早鸟优惠折扣200元! Enjoy the early bird discount on the general courses
before Apr.24!
一般法语课 / General French courses:
时段有周间及周末的选择(级数包含初学者及程度A1-C1的学员) / Weekday or week-end
course (for completely beginners or levels from A1 to C1 students) :
主题课程 / Workshops:
级数 / Reinforcing one specific skill whilst consolidating your confidence in
communicating in French, a large choice of workshops is waiting for you! : ttps://goo.gl/PecxRg
密集班 / Intensive courses:
上课时段为周一至周五每日9:00-12:00 / Every morning of the week, give yourself
all chances to progress in French fast and efficiently!
线上报名这边去 Online registration now : https://goo.gl/HSJBA2

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