[补教] 推荐法籍家教老师 (台北市)

楼主: saffron   2014-07-25 11:53:07
老师名字:JEAN Scuderi Email: santamedia@msn.com
地点:台北市 古亭捷运站
钟点费:800/h (一对一 或 一对二,两人一起上的话等于每人每小时 400)
(我觉得以一个经验丰富的法籍家教老师来说 这个学费真的是赚到)
如果要老师出来外面上课 钟点费是 1000/h
有兴趣的人欢迎直接写 email 给他唷~
JEAN Scuderi: santamedia@msn.com
这是他自制的招生广告:(超法式、超可爱的!! 要登入FB才看得到唷~)
这是我以前的老师 我现在不在台湾了
他是法国北方人 在巴黎也住过一段时间 所以口音应该会是很多人会喜欢的口音
非常喜欢他的独特教学方式 跟他学了很多! 所以帮他打一下广告噜~
另一位版友 trtri 写的推荐:
"他真的很认真教学 充分运用各种影音网络资讯 跟他上课绝对不会无聊的!!
我现在法检DELF B2过了 都是多亏老师帮忙喔~~
因为老师本人对于政治 经济 艺术 哲学 都非常有研究
其实上课不只学到法文 也可以懂很多知识
他也很健谈很幽默 所以可以很轻松学到很多
他的教学方式也能让你很轻松地就说法文 对口说超有帮助的"
有什么问题可以写站内信问我 (我很少上站,回信会比较慢)
我如果能回答就会尽量回答 但最好的方式还是直接连络老师 ^^
Bonjour !
If you have bases in French grammar and conjugation
or you can already write and read French a little bit
but have no opportunities of improving it orally and
make serious rises in communication …
If you want to make real progresses in this language
like be able to speak it and understand it in real life situations
or prepare the DELF exam or/and have planned to go to a speaking French
country as France, Belgium, Quebec, Morocco, Algeria…
I can help you.
I can help you to make very significant progresses.
My teaching method is not common.
I use videos, radio records, songs, and extracts of movies
to put the learners in situations such as
the one you can deal with in true life.
I also help people to prepare exams in the exact conditions of DELF
at any level.
I have almost all the manuals you can find in most of schools in Taipei.
I provide students all the material needed.
I adapt my lessons and exercises to each learner.
My job is not to teach you the rudiments of the language
but to provide you more knowledge, culture and understanding of it.
All my efforts and passion is turned to one purpose, one mission.
I just want to make you feel more comfortable and enjoy the learning of
this so beautiful language that is French.
Location: near Guting Station
Rate: 800/h (1-to-1 or 1-to-2)
Contact: JEAN Scuderi: santamedia@msn.com
※ 编辑: saffron (, 07/25/2014 18:02:24
作者: aureusii (黄金葡萄球)   2014-07-25 18:42:00
请问要联系他需要写英文信吗? 还是中文也可?
作者: jjkkj (jjkkj)   2014-07-25 22:15:00
建议英文 老师会说一些中文 但不确定会不会读中文
作者: aureusii (黄金葡萄球)   2014-07-26 00:22:00
谢谢,我寄信了。 不知道有没有和我一样的初学者
作者: Ritual (仪式)   2014-07-26 12:58:00
作者: varydavy (vary)   2014-07-28 15:26:00
作者: aureusii (黄金葡萄球)   2014-07-28 16:45:00
作者: varydavy (vary)   2014-07-28 17:55:00
作者: aureusii (黄金葡萄球)   2014-07-28 19:14:00
作者: varydavy (vary)   2014-07-29 10:13:00
作者: latteholic (latte)   2014-07-29 23:50:00
我之前完全没基础上 ,就觉得比较吃力一些~
作者: aureusii (黄金葡萄球)   2014-07-30 20:00:00

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