"Your Schwab account(s) is currently enrolled in the Schwab U.S. Dollar Liquid A
ssets Fund (USD2Z), a cash feature that allows your uninvested cash to earn inco
me1. As of September 20, 2021, the 7-day yield on USD2Z was 0.01%.
As of October 1, 2021, USD2Z is no longer available as a cash feature on your ac
count(s) at Schwab. Between November 2021 and February 2022, your shares of USD2
Z will be redeemed and the proceeds will be credited to your account(s), which w
ill be automatically enrolled in the Schwab One® Interest cash feature2. As of S
eptember 20, 2021, the interest paid on Schwab One Interest was 0.01% APY. Like
USD2Z, balances held in Schwab One Interest are eligible for SIPC insurance up t
o applicable limits."