wawi2 (@@)
2020-06-13 22:03:00这个是很常见的broker fee 网页上也都有写讨回来的机率不高 然后主张股票合并主动权不在我身上多半没用 因为这也不是券商要合并的 应该主张要收之前没有先知会本人 有一点点机率可以讨回来 他会跟你说fee schedule上面都有写 你就回:I understand it's a common brokeragefee, which is clearly provided in the fee schedule.However, that the fee is listed does not mean that TDAmeritrade don't have the obligation to nofify mebefore the reverse split process started. If I had beeninformed, I could have sell those securities/equitiessoldand thereby avoided the fee.不过客服也可以回fee schedule上面有写 所以算有通知了所以fee拿不拿得回来 只能看人品勘误: 8楼 don't -> does not; nofify->notify