金额不大 主要都是买免手续费的ETF
参考版上大大的做法写信给TD争取降低手续费 还威胁他要转去别家投资XD
结果他回信要我回复一堆问题 才要评估要不要帮我降手续费
说实在的我还在学习阶段 钱不敢投入太多 老实回复他应该就不会理我了
我是不是就回复说我很想投资很多钱你赶快帮我降手续费 降越多越好呢?
TD的回复如下 也给大家参考!
Thank you for contacting TD Ameritrade.
You do have the ability to submit a case to possibly adjust your commission
schedule here at TD Ameritrade. This is considered a negotiated commission.
We would need to have a few questions answered before we can submit a case on
your behalf:
1.) What commission schedule are you looking for?
2.) What are you willing to bring over (in total assets) to TD Ameritrade?
3.) How many trades are you placing now per month?
4.) Do you have any other undisclosed accounts that you would be willing to
bring over outside of TD Ameritrade?
5.) How many trades are you looking to place if you were to move over the
outside account(s)? (BTW这题我看不太懂耶...)
6.) What types of trades do you primarily place?
Please reply back to this e-mail with the following information so that we
can submit a case to our back office on your behalf.