我是2013年下旬汇钱过去的 当时大约一百万头台币转美金 然后分十二期去买vti veu 因为怕麻烦 从来没退过税 也没报过税 然后刚才发现原来表格每隔一阵子就要更新 不晓得有无过期 我查看hc爱笔记部落格 https://goo.gl/8VxVMu 提到“ TD 网银 => Message Center ”会有讯息 可是我看到的是空的 但刚收到td的信 还好我有看 内容如下: important tax notice-please respond a regular review of our record shows that the name and/or tax identification number(TIN)we have on file for your account ending in 8804 does not match THE internal revenue service(IRS)records,or that our records may be incomplete.(your TIN may be either a social security number or an employer identification.) this can happen for a number of reasons.we want to work with you to determine which one applies,and help you resolve it.if you don't take action and correct this problem,you may be subject to a penalty of up to$100 by the IRS for failing to give us your correct name/TIN combination. please see which of these circumstances best describes your situation, then follow the instrucetions to update your information. 接下来是substitude form w-9-request for taxpayer identification number and certification 请问要填这个表吗?爬文是不是外国人不该填这个?该怎么处理呢? 非常谢谢大家