[请益] IB购买公司债没有成交

楼主: comp1ete   2016-05-13 09:23:31
5/9 我在TWS下了 JPM 4.95 03/25/20 这档公司债,
价格挂在限价109.8 GTC单 单位5K,但5/12的最低价来到109.511 为什么还不会成交呢?
送单以后交易时间内,TWS 后方的状态栏是呈现绿色,应该是有到交易所吧!?
作者: Sueo (鸮)   2016-05-13 10:25:00
$109.8*5000=$549,000 请备足54万9千美元?
作者: melic ( )   2016-05-13 10:40:00
楼主: comp1ete   2016-05-13 11:09:00
作者: kistar (alles gute)   2016-05-13 11:33:00
楼主: comp1ete   2016-05-13 13:10:00
作者: kosan0112 (阅读文章)   2016-05-17 23:37:00
the traded price 109.511 is dealer bought fromcontra party. Minimun price dealer sell to clienton 5/12 is 110.74 and you can trade 5K as you thinkI think this is problem of your price not amount.
楼主: comp1ete   2016-05-18 11:59:00
thank you for your reply~ their min. price makes meconfused. I thought the price is for everyone.and may I ask one more question? Where can I findthe price for client on tws system?
作者: kosan0112 (阅读文章)   2016-05-18 22:57:00
You can see more detail information on FINRA TRACEhttp://goo.gl/edmDHzPlease see Trade History, and you will realize it.Sorry, I don't know whether this information isavailable on TWS or not.
楼主: comp1ete   2016-05-19 13:44:00
really appreciate your help~ that website is usefulto me~ I just know that they have different pricefor different party....><
作者: kosan0112 (阅读文章)   2016-05-19 23:28:00
One more thing I can share with you is that most ofcorporate bonds traded without commission, but ifyou buy it through IB, you pay commission.I have bought a corporate bond 102.413 yield=1.182%after commission price=102.513 yield=0.98%.FINRA TRACE show the traded record in a latter way.It made me feel bad at that time.It seemed that the trading cost at IB isbid/ask spread + commissionSomeone said that IB have commission but the spreadis smaller. I doubt it.
楼主: comp1ete   2016-05-20 09:40:00
Thanks for sharing. Actually I noticed that IBcharge for bond trading when I did paper trading.However, I do not have other oversea brokers.I shallstill trade with IB cuz I am lazy to open anotheraccount XD.. I've never compared the spread betweenIB and other brokers but I am so surprised thattheir commission has decreased your bond yieldsharply. I guess it would be better to trade shortterm debt and lower coupon rate bond with otherbrokers. So the yield won't be influenced that much.

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