又是 ZeniMax 集团,也就是旗下拥有上古卷轴(TES)系列以及现在持有 Fallout 版权的
Bethesda Softworks 其所属母公司,继先前收购 id Software 之后,
ZeniMax 这次收购的是擅长开发 RPG 游戏的 Arkane Studios
成立于 1999 年,在法国里昂及美国德州奥斯汀均设有办公据点的 Arkane Studios
旗下代表作有 2002 年推出的 Arx Fatalis(地城英雄志)等作品,
其创意总监 Raphael Colantonio 本身也是 Arkane 创办人兼 CEO 将继续担任 Arkane
的总裁;此外,Arkane 旗下还有曾担任 Deus Ex 游戏设计师的 Harvey Smith 等业界高手
Arkane 开发过的还有 PC 版 Dark Messiah of Might and Magic(魔法门黑暗弥赛亚),
也曾参与过 BioShock 2(生化奇兵 2)的关卡开发协助等工作
目前 Arkane 正与同集团的 Bethesda Softworks 一同合作一项尚未公布的游戏开发计画
Zenimax Acquires Arkane Studios
PRESS RELEASE posted on 12 AUG 2010 by Jim Zabek
Veteran Studio Joins Bethesda Game Studios and id Software as an Internal
Studio for Bethesda Softworks.
ZeniMax Media Inc., parent company of noted game publisher Bethesda Softworks,
today announced it has completed the acquisition of veteran game developer
Arkane Studios.
Founded in 1999, Arkane has offices in Lyon, France and Austin, Texas and is
led by co-creative directors Raphael Colantonio, Arkane's founder and CEO who
will also serve as president of Arkane, and Harvey Smith, lead designer on
Deus Ex.
Arkane's first title, Arx Fatalis, was released in 2002 and became a fan
favorite with its highly detailed environments and innovative gameplay.
In addition, Arkane developed Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (PC version),
and has collaborated on a number of high profile game projects,
including Bioshock 2.
Arkane is currently working on an unannounced project with Bethesda Softworks.
"This is an exciting moment for Arkane. After 11 years of independent
development, we couldn't think of a better publishing partner,"
said Colantonio.
"We share so many creative values. Joining the ZeniMax family will allow us to
grow stronger while staying true to the games we love."
Arkane joins a group of development studios which includes id Software and
Bethesda Game Studios, two of the finest, most respected videogame developers
in the world. This deal further underscores Bethesda's commitment to delivering
premier titles to gamers worldwide.
"We are very pleased to be able to bring another experienced, high quality
developer like Arkane to the ZeniMax group of studios," said Robert Altman,
Chairman and CEO of ZeniMax Media.
"Raphael and his talented team have earned a reputation for creating immersive,
innovative games which enhances our ability to deliver AAA quality games to
our many fans."