[资讯] 艺术斗阵:Lan Hungh的行为艺术

楼主: OscarJeff (藝術與城市)   2018-07-11 22:31:32
艺术斗阵:LAN Hungh的行为艺术 feat. 张登尧
Art Talking: LAN Hungh's Performance Art feat. Chang Deng-Yao
时间 Time/
2018/07/12(四) 19:30
地点 Venue/
Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No. 1, Xingda St., Hsinchu City)
发表艺术家 Presenting Artists/
LAN Hungh(柏林行为艺术协会会长 Co-founder & President of the Association for
Performance Art in Berlin, APA-B e.V.)
张登尧 Chang Deng-Yao(江山艺改所所长 Director of Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo)
入场方式 Admission for entry/
自由乐捐赞助 Free Donation(建议金额 Suggested Donation $200)
No outside food or drinks allowed.
关于活动 About The Event/

关于艺术家 About The Artists/
● LAN Hungh
LAN Hungh是混合媒体、行为、录像、音乐及装置艺术家,以心理和身体为题材,以沟通
展览,利物浦Wolstenholmes 的 ”区间” 驻村计划,柏林行为艺术月策展人等。
Critical about the art system and its conventions Lan Hungh has chosen a very
open discipline: performance art. No role-playing here. His physical presence
and his perception of actuality and the local and global contexts where he
lives are the subject itself. His actions – a mix of nonsense and
intelligibility based on a universal and natural grammar and inspired by
daily life – engage an exchange at eye level with the public. Like a
contemporary Diogenes looking for the honest man Lan Hungh praises nature,
purity and freedom. Can art change the world? Regardless of the response: it
is important to formulate thought-provoking questions. (by Tiny Domingos)
I am a mix-media artist who works with performance, video, music and
installation, through which I demonstrates a passion for psychology and body
works, often subjected to definition changes by language and structures based
actions. In the process of research and development, I often involve myself
in architecture and environmental context, and my works show a commitment to
an erotism and body-politic in conceptualizing of art.
Born in Taipei, Taiwan, I studied at the University of Art in Taiwan and the
National Conservatory in France, and I am working as curator in MPA-B (Month
of performance Art Berlin), founding member and president of APA-B
(association for performance art in Berlin), art director of stattberlin
gallery and Gallery-33 in Berlin. My publications include music composing in
Chinese contemporary poetry audio book ““Schmetterlinge auf der
Windschutzscheibe” (2009), RPLCMNT by Savvy Contemporary (2010), catalogue “
Parenthesisspaceparenthesis” edition 0 and 1(2012 and 2013), (con)temporary
Space-Time (2015) etc.

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