OscarJeff (è—術與城市)
2016-09-11 12:03:26艺术斗阵:罗湘云 + 这地设计
Art Talking: Loh Xiang Yun + Oreed Design
时间 Time/
2016/09/11(日) 14:00-15:00
地点 Venue/
江山艺改所 (新竹市江山街13号至15号间小巷内/城隍庙旁)
Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (In the alley between No.13 & No.15, Jiang Shan St.,
Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple)
艺术家、设计师 Artist, Designer/
罗湘云(新加坡) Loh Xiang Yun (Singapore)
这地设计 Oreed Design
免费入场 Free Admission
关于艺术家、设计师 About The Artist & Designer/
● 罗湘云(新加坡) Loh Xiang Yun (Singapore)
Loh Xiang Yun's practice addresses issues related to the human-landscape
relationship. Looking specifically at the history of gardening, she questions
our perception of plants in different settings and our desire for control
over nature.
By exploring how we manage and maintain nature alongside to civilization, she
attempts to quantify the vague ideas of "excess" and "control" to understand
notions of wilderness and contrived environments.
Through her research and observations in drawing, painting and photography
her work captures the often evolving relationship between human and nature.
Her projects map and document the elusive and ever-changing link between the
nature we perceive and the nature we organize.
Loh Xiang Yun (b. 1988) is an artist based in Singapore. Her works have been
exhibited at Klaus, Yeo Workshop, Singapore; THEBOOKSHOW, DECK, Singapore;
Living Room in the Tropics, NTU Centre of Contemporary Arts (Singapore’s
Artists and Curators-in Residence) and Print Lab 2015, Grey Projects,
Singapore. Xiang Yun will be the resident artist at Youkobo Art Space, Tokyo
in March 2017.