[征才] Bank Sinopac Financial Engineering

楼主: sehr (sehr)   2023-02-08 19:45:28
Financial engineering team in Bank Sinopac encompasses a broad, multidisciplin
ary field of intensive study and practice that, essentially, applies an engine
ering approach and methodology to the world of banking industry. It integrates
and utilizes information obtained from different fields, such as economics, m
athematics, computer science, and financial theory. Much of financial engineer
ing consists of converting various theories into practical applications for th
e Bank.
An example of financial engineering in practice is the work of quantitative an
alysts – usually referred to as “quants” – who develop things such as algo
rithmic or artificial intelligence trading programs that are used in the capit
al markets.
Financial engineering is not really related to traditional engineering jobs, o
ther than it shares a methodological approach that incorporates principles and
theories of mathematics.
What you will gain during the work
Financial engineering is used across a broad range of tasks within Bank SinoPa
c. Some of the areas where it is most commonly applied are the following:
Corporate Finance
Arbitrage Trading
Technology and Algorithmic Finance
Risk Management and Analytics
Pricing of Options and Derivatives
Behavioral Finance
Creation of Structured Financial Products and Customized Financial Instruments
Quantitative Portfolio Management
Credit Risk and Credit Management
What we expected for candidates
As a junior engineer, you will be trained and guided by a senior engineer. Goo
d experience with languages like Python, Java and C & VBA, as well as sufficie
nt Database manipulation skill is essential for the position.
Not to mention the knowledge of linear algebra, stochastic calculus, spatial g
eometry is a must and familiar with differential equations.
Also if you have skills in machine learning and data mining, Artificial Intell
igence model building will be assigned if it is fitted your interest.
Please contact [email protected] for more details
作者: chenhankiang (noob)   2023-02-08 22:38:00
作者: laplacian (laplacian)   2023-02-08 22:48:00
作者: polo125809 (微积分)   2023-02-09 08:35:00

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