ushxela (cp)
2019-09-24 17:13:10标题: [征才] Point72诚征Quant Finance Researcher
公司名称: Point72/ Cubist Systematic Strategies
公司地址: 台北市信义区忠孝东路五段68号29楼
JOB DESCRIPTION: Quantitative Finance Researcher, Point72 (Taipei)
Please send CVs to [email protected]
About Cubist / Point72
Point72 is a global asset management firm led by Steven Cohen that uses
Discretionary Long/Short, Macro, and Systematic strategies to invest in eight
offices across the globe.
Quantitative Researchers are responsible for independently conducting
quantitative financial research with a focus on statistical and predictive
models. Successful researchers manage all aspects of the research process
including methodology selection, data collection and analysis, testing,
prototyping, backtesting, and performance monitoring.
- B.S., M.S. or Ph.D. degree in mathematics, physics, engineer or
other quantitative discipline.
- GPA ranked within the top 20% of entire class.
- Programming in any of the following: C++, C#, Java, or Python.
- Strong analytical and quantitative skills.
- Keen interest in quantitative research and metrics driven
decision making.
- Demonstrated ability to conduct independent research utilizing
large data sets.
- Detail-oriented.
- Passion for spotting trends in data.
- Willingness to take ownership of his/her work, working both
independently and within a small team.
- Ability to work under pressure.
Prior experience developing, researching, or implementing quantitative models
for equities is preferred, but not required. We will provide training for new
researchers without finance backgrounds.
职缺: 量化财务研究员, Point72 (台北)
请将履历寄至 [email protected]
关于 Cubist / Point72
Point72 是由 Steven Cohen领导的全球资产管理公司,专精于使用主观多空策略、宏观
职位描述: 量化财务研究员将被赋予独立进行量化研究的职责,并聚焦于建立统计与预测
- 数学、物理、工程,或其他量化领域的学士、硕士、博士级学历。
- GPA 排名于系所的前 20 %。
- 具备以下任一程式语言的撰写能力:C++, C#, Java, or Python.
- 拥有优秀的分析与量化技能。
- 对量化研究和指标驱动决策的强烈兴趣。
- 能展现在大数据上进行独立研究的能力。
- 具备探索资料中趋势的热情。
- 愿意为自己的工作成果负责,并能独立或在小型团队内工作。
- 仔细、细心、具抗压性。
- 我们有中文与英文的工作环境,具备基础英文能力。
每日: 09:00~18:00中午休息12:00~13:00 (工时: 8小时)
每周工作时间: 8*5=40(符合劳基法)
- 实习: 月薪 100,000
- 正职: 年薪 1,300,000~2,000,000元(依照年资和面试结果核薪)
年终奖金计算方式: 全薪计算
- 符合劳基法的休假制度
- 具竞争力的薪酬水准
- 多元友善的工作环境