[情报] 车队被允许在引擎可靠度的问题有更多调整

楼主: silencepap (p p)   2022-07-01 19:06:39
原标题: F1 teams given more scope to fix engine reliability issues
Formula 1 teams will be given more scope to address engine reliability
concerns this year following rule changes approved by the FIA on Wednesday.
Jonathan Noble
Jonathan Noble
Jun 30, 2022, 12:38 AM
At a meeting of the FIA’s World Motor Sport Council in Paris, a number of
tweaks to F1’s sporting and technical regulations were rubber stamped.
In the wake of a spate of reliability failures by teams this year, it was
agreed that the rules regarding the current power unit limits would be
因应F1今年一连串的可靠度问题, 大多人同意关于动力单元的限制会被调整
Firstly, F1 teams will be allowed to swap power units under parc ferme
conditions for newer versions that have been put into their pool.
Previously, any chance of specification of a car component that is replaced
in parc ferme automatically required cars to start from the pitlane.
This tweak will be welcome for those squads that are juggling only a few
components in their engine pool and have introduced upgraded parts.
Furthermore, the FIA has added a provision to the rules to allow temporary
repairs of power units.
在之前,于监管时段更换车子的任何元件都会被要求在正赛中于pit lane起跑
此外, FIA新增了一项条款,允许动力单元能被暂时的维修
Other areas of the F1 rules addressed in the meeting also covered off
controversies that bubbled up earlier in the year.
Following intrigue about different specification floors Ferrari ran in a
Pirelli tyre test after the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix, the rules regarding
car limitations for tyre testing have been tweaked.
Deflection tests to check on the flexibility of rear wings and beam wings
have been updated, and mirror rules have been altered to help improve
为了确认尾翼、beam wings而产生的轮胎偏度测试有了更新,后照镜规范也被改变以帮助
Following problems some teams have faced with fuel cooling issues pre-race
this year, they will now be allowed to chill fuel to 20C at hotter races.
The FIA also approved changes to the timing of media activities at F1
weekends, with the preview events now returning to Thursdays rather than on
the Fridays they have been so far throughout 2022.
The move to Friday was aimed at cutting the need for personnel to be at the
track before the first day of track action, but did not achieve its aim with
staff still required to be at the track on Thursdays.
The timing of the Friday media activities, taking place so close to the first
track action, also proved unpopular with the drivers and press
FIA也更改了F1的媒体活动时间, preview events被更改到星期四,在此之前都是星期五
While the WMSC also discussed the future 2026 engine rules, the new
regulations were not formally signed off.
It is hoped that this matter can be sorted in the next few weeks, with Audi
and Porsche only set to confirm their entries once the regulations are in

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