[闲聊] 国外媒体针对银石事故的小民调

楼主: tiesto06202 (I'm Winner战神)   2021-07-19 07:42:14
新闻标题直接下"High Drama"
Verstappen and Hamilton crash: Who was to blame?
he first lap of the British Grand Prix saw Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton g
o toe to toe and race side by side at almost every corner, ultimately leading
to a crash in which the Dutchman spun into a wall.
Hamilton's car suffered damage, but he was able to stay on the track and sit i
n second place when the race was red-flagged. Verstappen was able to climb out
of his car himself, but the chassis was completely destroyed.
Given that there was contact, an investigation was opened by the FIA. Red Bull
team principal Christian Horner and his Mercedes counterpart Toto Wolff were
both on the radio to race director Michael Masi during the red-flag period, ma
king the case as to who was to blame for the crash.
"He was never anywhere near alongside," Horner said, calling for Hamilton to r
eceive a sanction. "That's an enormous accident and it was 100 percent Max's c
orner. Hamilton should never have been in that position."
In the end, the stewards decided to give Hamilton a 10-second time penalty.
We want you to have your say, which you can do in the below poll. Let us know
if you think Hamilton caused the crash, if Verstappen did or if neither driver
is to blame.
High drama!
SILVERSTONE: Lewis Hamilton won his home British Grand Prix for a record eight
h time yesterday after battling back from a 10-second penalty imposed for a fi
rst-lap collision that halted the race and left Red Bull rival Max Verstappen
in hospital.
The Mercedes driver, now only eight points behind Verstappen after 10 races, p
assed Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc for the lead with two laps to go as a capacit
y 140,000 crowd rose to cheer him.
Hamilton’s teammate Valtteri Bottas was third after obeying team orders to le
t Hamilton through and chase Leclerc in a race halted after Verstappen’s cras
h and then re-started.
The win was the 99th of seven-times world champion Hamilton’s Formula One car
eer and fourth of the current campaign. It was also the worst possible result
for Verstappen, who had started on pole position with a 33-point lead but fail
ed to complete a lap after suffering the biggest accident of his career when h
e crashed out at Copse corner.
Hamilton went down the inside, Verstappen moved across and they tangled wheels
– the Red Bull’s rear right touching the front left of the Mercedes.
The stewards deemed Hamilton was to blame. Red Bull said Verstappen was batter
ed and bruised and in hospital for further checks. Team boss Christian Horner
criticised Hamilton for a mistake he deemed amateur, dangerous and desperate.
Mercedes boss Toto Wolff said, however, that the situation was more nuanced an
d “it takes two to tango”.
“This is a dream for me today, to do it in front of you all,” Hamilton told
the biggest crowd to attend a sporting event in Britain since the start of the
“I always try to be measured in how I approach, particularly with battling wi
th Max, he’s very aggressive. And then today I was fully alongside him and he
didn’t leave space.
“Regardless of whether I agree with the penalty, I take it on the chin and I
just kept working. I was like ‘I’m not going to let anything get in the way
of the crowd’s enjoyment of the weekend and the national anthem and the Briti
sh flag’.”
There was no point awarded for fastest lap, with Red Bull’s Mexican Sergio Pe
rez setting it but failing to secure the necessary top 10 finish to trigger th
e bonus.
楼主: tiesto06202 (I'm Winner战神)   2021-07-19 07:53:00
作者: jlincredible (松山林书豪)   2021-07-19 08:10:00
看Driver of the day投票就感受到了XD
作者: YukiPhoenix (雪凤)   2021-07-19 08:15:00
作者: Solzeta (Sol)   2021-07-19 08:16:00
作者: w8424   2021-07-19 08:18:00
作者: ponguy (●胖盖●)   2021-07-19 08:18:00
作者: z12345xxxz (z12345xxxz)   2021-07-19 08:21:00
作者: kazake (飞得位。江霞)   2021-07-19 08:27:00
战起来 F1终于有热度了(疑
作者: CGary (下雨天也挺浪漫的)   2021-07-19 08:28:00
作者: ZincSaga (转瞬之间)   2021-07-19 08:28:00
F1就是要这样血流成河才精彩 不然要温良恭俭让吗
作者: jimmyso (提拉米苏)   2021-07-19 08:30:00
一直觉得英国那个奖杯造型是最赞最有味道 是我会最想要还是这种传统造型最好
作者: freshbox7 (小七)   2021-07-19 08:42:00
这种程度就High drama,可见天下太平很久了XD
作者: palmer889 (palmer889)   2021-07-19 09:03:00
作者: Ned1107 (尼德)   2021-07-19 09:17:00
在宾刷一堆冠才开始有洗白啦 以前也是一堆人喷小黑啊
作者: josephv (joseph)   2021-07-19 09:28:00
接下来精彩了好多抓马期待之后ham max互动会是怎样Netflix 这周有去吗?
作者: SKY760508 (义式浓缩咖啡)   2021-07-19 09:32:00
照以前的经验 这个case很少被罚阿
作者: ianferrari (吴麻糬)   2021-07-19 09:40:00
作者: Phoebe702 (MINI)   2021-07-19 09:42:00
作者: awayaway (away)   2021-07-19 09:50:00
我要学一下某些人会气噗噗的口气说:到底是有多菜才不知道ptt以前对Ham有多“包容” XDDD
作者: nooneva (AVA)   2021-07-19 09:56:00
作者: Duke200 (Duke)   2021-07-19 10:13:00
辣个男人 会不会说 方向盘不要转之类的(误
作者: jenchieh5 ((”T□T)<喔~喔~喔)   2021-07-19 10:32:00
作者: REI3173 (FF)   2021-07-19 10:38:00
我猜ROS 会说:Max现在位于冠军争夺者的位子要更聪明,这种时候Ham一定会很激进,拼一时没拿到积分很伤,《要知道赢过Ham这种等级的车手是非常困难的》,为什么我知道,因为我跟他竞争过,而且我赢了XDDD
作者: BalaBalaDaBa (TNFSH Kappa(宿舍河童))   2021-07-19 10:40:00
作者: kbsidd (这世界充满谎言)   2021-07-19 10:41:00
作者: likeastar ( )   2021-07-19 10:53:00
REI3173推文我完全听得到Rosberg的声音耶 好神
作者: REI3173 (FF)   2021-07-19 10:55:00
kbs大的模仿也很有声音大家都是ROS 哈哈哈哈哈
作者: SuperAguri (F1板瘟猫三八退散)   2021-07-19 11:05:00
突然间开始同情 Rosberg 了
作者: pol87063 (欧8)   2021-07-19 12:27:00
靠北 好有画面 笑死
作者: gdd9659173 (gdd9659173)   2021-07-19 12:31:00
看过一次Ros的影片 看完推文竟然自动带入他的声音 怕爆
作者: hitachiin (小蜜)   2021-07-19 15:20:00
作者: airphone   2021-07-20 01:00:00
乡民投票有啥意义? 笑死人下面后几篇车手对这次碰撞的看法还比较有参考性

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