<edit> https://twitter.com/F1/status/1053399028962979840 更新一下另外一段的onboard 就活该认惹拔ˇˇ https://streamable.com/fftet VET:"I almost had to stop or brake down to 30 km/h to keep the delta. Guess I have to do that next time, even when a car could drive behind me and as a result crash in me. But of course it is more important not to take any penalty." - Vet是被罚6-7弯没有减速,而他是在7-8弯的时候减速 然后道路配置上,6-7弯附近并没有灯号旗帜。 这是Vet当时的车载以及道路状况 https://streamable.com/52f84 这是道路配置 http://i.imgur.com/c9JLaSs.jpg 这大概就是人生XDD ※ 引述《Scape (缺钙缺很大)》之铭言: : 来源: : https://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/vettel-grid-penalty-us-gp-ferrari/3198159/ : 因为在FP1 红旗时未减速被传唤调查 : 结果是罚退三位并且驾照扣2分 : 自作孽不可活呀~~~ : 美国站HAM 封王的机会越来越高了