Re: [情报] Vettel为防守动作辩护:我没看见HAM过来

楼主: hosichin (小星)   2018-10-01 11:32:44
:   “好吧,那很棘手,他们(Hamilton和Bottas)合作得非常好。”Vettel赛后说。
:   “一开始,我并没有地方可去,然后我们用一个漂亮的出场圈让他们吃了一惊,同时
: 我设法超越Lewis和瓦尔特利。”
:   “Lewis(和我)很接近,但之后,我们差点儿就撞上了。”
:   “我没有看到他,我并不确定他在哪里。我看到他在外线,我需要给他留空间,即使
: 我不想那么做——所以那仍然是公平的,但后来他就超过去了。”
: “我认为,每个人都有相同的速度,但我们对轮胎的管理方式不同。当我落后时,我尝试
: 给瓦尔特利施加压力,但我无法达到足够近的距离。然后,他遇到了阻挡,损失了1.5秒
: ,但我稍稍锁死了轮胎,Lewis用的是新轮胎,我的是只跑过一圈的旧胎。[mine were
: only a lap old。]”
:   “我认为我们很接近,但那并不是我们想要的。”
Q: Sebastian, your view on the racing with Lewis?
SV: Which part? I think obviously we undercut him which was good. Then I
think it was clear that Valtteri was dropping back to make life difficult, I
guess, so they played well together as a team. Yeah, then I had a bit of a
wobble into 13, lock up and Lewis was quite close so he got DRS down the
straight. I saw him coming, it was very difficult to see with the mirrors but
I thought I moved before the braking, so I wanted to make sure I covered the
inside. Didn’t mean to be – how do you say? – an irritation at any point.
LH: I don’t feel anything… in the heat of the moment, it always feels one
way. I’m sure if we watch afterwards you might watch it and say yes, I moved
SV: Then, obviously I had a compromised run out of the second corner,
defending my position. Then it was very difficult to see where he was. I
couldn’t see him for a very very long time and then just saw his tyres and I
knew that he was then somewhere there and I didn’t want to be a complete
arse by pushing him into the dirt and potentially into the wall so I wasn’t
quite sure where he was and then at some point I had to give in. I thought I
could maybe get it back out of turn four but I had to give him the entrance
otherwise, you know, at some stage it just becomes silly. Obviously I wasn’t
happy when I lost the position but I think we did what we could today. We
tried to push very hard, obviously and made the undercut but unfortunately
lost the position. After that it was very very difficult. I thought I was a
bit faster than Valtteri at certain stages in the race but not enough to get
close and at the end of the race I had a lapped car which lost (me) 1.5s and
then the gap was too big so there was not much point for two laps, I can’t
close three seconds in two laps, not if you are within the same tenth so that
was that.
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一楼 那个人是不是有染头发 日本人取洋名字
作者: Norya0723 (苹果渣)   2018-10-01 22:38:00
一楼 那个人后来是不是有在最终决赛把头发染回来

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