上周踢Sevilla的时候发生了这些事情 影片: https://streamable.com/5t62 场边喊的口号翻译 uruguayo hijo de puta : 乌拉圭人你这婊子生的 uruguayo nos la chupa to madre: 乌拉圭人你老母吸我们的屌 comprate un bozal: 去买一个口套吧 (给狗带 防咬人的口套) 然后Suarez就入球了
Luis Suarez: "Cruyff penalty? Leo and Ney had rehearsed, but when Messi was kicking, I ran out. The ball was there and when the ball is there you hit it. After, Neytold me I was a bastard."OMG I love them\(^o^)/苏苏专访https://goo.gl/qMY7pb