dosandonts (Catalano is A+)
2021-08-22 02:36:54Hi Peter:
Everyday I feel super dried thirsty and more than the desirable intempts to have a relationship with Dr. Cheng, my favorite professor throughout my college life.
I lied down on bed just for more than one month.※2021.7.16 On this day, I got fired!
Every night I dreamed Mr. Cheng and Mrs. Cheng in which they are having affairs to draw a proof of how they are meant to be.
Although I am not a virgin, sex has been still kept a secret to me.
It is because my anti-sexual relationship has been prevailing for more than a decade.
Exactly to say, I have non experiences of sex after my breakup with Mr. Orctor Chen in August, 2009.
My desire are arisen to heaven and follows nice shots for several times.
*nice shot : an one-time incidental event, also called "probability"
Hmm………My temperature of body is getting hits.
And my lust, gluttony, anger have been………ooxx
For God's sake, I really love the way you are, Dr. Cheng.
Sincerely Yours,