Recently, the movie, Aladdin, is one of the blockbusters. Audience like me hav
e gone to the cinema to review this legendary fairytales. However, not until a
fter watching this movie did I realize the significance of
cherishing and sharing. In the movie, the genie told Aladdin that,"If you cher
ish, you will have more than you think. If you do not, things vanish faster th
an you think." After facing plenty of obstacles, Aladdin cherish his last wish
to set genie free, and he also received what he had lost in the beginning.
These ideas also apply to our life.
When we cherish our stuff and share with others. Not only would my friends enj
oy the stuff he or she received, I would also obtain happiness. I hope that th
is value could have existed in my heart forever, so that I could
share the joyfulness with the people in this world, and I believe they could b
e happy too.