Could you help me to correct the sentence below:
"Always asking the female classmate who was next to him for a candy!"
因为这里的结构是:关代+"be V",(后面没有"现分/过分"),
是第3种情况:关代后直接接上V(于此为"be V":"was"),
who was next to him ===> being next to him
可是我听到的都是"next to him", 而不是"being next to him"!
谁可以导正我的盲点! > <
※ 引述《howisfashion (新竹林志玲)》之铭言:
: Hello,everyone~
: Could you help me to correct the sentence below:
: "Always asking the female classmate who was next to him for a candy!"
: and could I show it by,
: "Always asking the female classmate being next to him for a candy!"
: Thanks a lot!
作者: rrr518 (理沙) 2018-03-14 13:15:00
嘿 no chinese heresorry, I made the same mistake…