dosandonts (Catalano is A+)
2018-02-14 23:13:35Good evening!
My past work experience in Camdeor technology is quite good at that time.
I have been to Europe for several times, for example England,
France, Germany, Belgium, Holland and Ireland.
However, when I was working there, I found that my general manager
marry a wife that is disabled.
He legs are cut and she needs to sit in the wheel chair.
At the end of the job, I was taken the order from Mauritius.
It states that they want to buy the dome cameras with "bracket".
As you know, dome camera is mounted onto the wall and no need the brackets.
But they want.
My general manager suddenly looked at me pitifully.
After 9 years, I really got the "disabled identity".
That's to say, the valued family, the big egg family, my dear professor Cheng
would like me to death or disabled.
Currently I work for the corporation that is named as the poem.
As you know, the poet Hsu, Chih-mo (徐志摩) has written a poem,
"The rythmn of the sea".
It illustates the event of the woman that was drowned in the sea.
She commits suicide in the sea.
I have no idea if I will commit suicide in the future.
The fortune teller has said to me that my unluck will keep getting stronger
and stronger.
But I will get used to it gradually.
Should I go to die or become crazy?
I went to work for IC Nexus in Dec., 2017.
But I performed badly and got fired finally.
It seems that I only can choose death.
My fate is upcoming.
The goddess of chaos has showed her power.
Iris threw the apple in between the goddess.
Should I be brave to face my death?
I don't like the dear valued family, the large egg family, my honor professor
But I have no choices.
I am afraid of the future.
Hopefully you have a good day!
Happy New Year!