wunjo (wunjo)
2017-09-15 00:45:08Hi, Blissers,
What is “Community Development Planning Organization”?
What is its job description and goal?
And how it is related with us?
This Saturday on 0916, we are so privileged to invite Te Chun Chen ,the founder of “万华社区小学” , namely “Wanhua District Evelopment Organization at Wanhua” to explore its practice and development.
1.About Today’s Host:
Te Chun Chen, a founder of “万华社区小学”, has been working as a Community Development Planner for 20 years, currently engaged in Wanhua Community Empowerment Project outsourced from Taipei Municipal Government. For your ref. http://wanhuaxiaoxiao.blogspot.tw/
2.About “Community Development Planning Organization”
(1)To help decide where and when to construct new buildings via guiding projects through potential pitfalls among building codes and regulations in its municipality as well as inviting grass-roots support for a project.
(2)To foster the support and build Community Consensus, it offers the related courses from the elementary and advanced levels, as well as professional seminar. For your ref .https://www.thenewslens.com/feature/aces2016/44111
1. Where is Wanhua?
2. What’s “万华社区小学”?
(1) What we have done
(2) A workshop for children
(3) A Facilitating role among Wanhua communities
(4) Q&A Interaction
3.Future Goals
(1) Building a Wanhua District Museum,
(2) Promoting “Wanhua District Responsible Travel”
(3) Others
16:00~16:10 Break
(1) Group Discussion and work on A1 to make your own ideal & advanced Wanhua District
(2) Group Presentation and Comments
(3) Group Photo
<Recap of “NFL-Spirit of America” by Carmelo on Sep.2, 2017>
Host: Carmelo
Date: Sep.2, 2017
Topic: “NFL-Spirit of America”
Participants: Fox,Jeff,Annie,Angela Lai,Lynn ,Betty
Meeting photo link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/CFswKPhkv8IODN2z2
New Blisser/Betty: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Go0b5ggvxjTDilRu2
Meeting started..
Carmelo proceeded the meeting as punctually and systematically as expected.
Overwhelming Commercial value—NFL,
New York Times Sporting Review:
1. NFL make 12 Billion USD Revenue per year (Highest among all of sport leagues on the earth), much higher than NBA (USD6 billion), and MLB (USD9.4 billion) beyond our stereotyped imagination.
2. NFL owned most –watched TV programs viewers.
American’s tradition on watching football games
1. Friday night for High School games
2. Saturday night for College Games (NCAA)
3. Sunday night for Professional Games (NFL)
Fun in Watching NFL:
1. Unpredictable, during the game, yard-gaining between two sides are the most breathtaking moments because you just can’t predict when or which team will win at the last minute.
2. Superbowl half-time Show, considered a splendid show in America, the superstars like Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Michael Jackson once performed in the show.
3. Some Football Player made celebrating dance soon after touchdown.
4. In daily conversation, NFL becomes a welcomed topic to avoid religion or politics forbidden ones.
5. NFL Tickets are regarded as status and richness symbols due to its astonishing price and rarity. Sometimes you are not able to get the ticket even you are rich enough. Because it is so POPULAR.
Rules of American Football
It is a game for all shapes and sizes that requires both mental and physical skills.
1. American football is being played on a 100-yard field by two teams of 11 players at the same time, totally 53 players in each side divided into squads of offensive, defensive and special team units.
2. The aim of the game is to move the ball into the opponent’s endzone to get a touchdown (6 points).
3. Extra point can be achieved by Quarterback passing the ball to Receiver in the air or by running back rush to move the ball forward.
4. In every four plays (downs), the offense must move the ball 10 yards forward to keep possession of the ball and earn another four (downs) in order to drive down to the opponent’s endzone.
5. If the defense prevent that making 10 yards. The offense team must punt the ball to give possession to the opponent or if close enough to endzone they would kick the ball into the gate (3 points).
6. After playing four 15-minute quarters, the team at most points wins the game.
Please refer to the links for further information:
Aaron Rodgers
1. One of the Best Quarterbacks in the NFL
2. Today’s host is his fan, Carmelo were wearing his “No. 12” Jersey in the meeting.
Carmelo successfully passed forward his NFL passions to us by giving us the supporting data for the popularity of NFL, how to enjoy watching NFL by video clips, showing us NFL-related tutorial lesson for beginners, and some play-used in the NFL. In addition, Jeff, a sports expert in the meeting, also helped us to understand more. We really had a fruitful meeting ever.