JimmyWr ( jimmywr)
2017-02-10 23:46:11[Announce]
There are some strangers come to our group then kicked alot of people
so I closed the address, if you are interested in our group, please mail
your line ID for me , thank you ]
Long time no see , everybody here.
I am jimmy
Let me introduce a bit about myself.
Maybe anyone have seen my ID on this board servral times before.
But I have to say sorry for my ignorance that I haven't
keep my LINE group well on 2014.
Recently, I have changed my job, and now I found out that
English communication skill is really really vital in the workplace.
So I have made up my mind to learn my English well.
This time, I will run my English Line group well, it's not just only for
English communication skill , but also lay the foundation for my career plan
in the future.
If anybody who's interested in English communication on business,
please join my group.
Thank you!
My LIND ID: gimmywang1987
LINE address: http://line.me/R/ti/g/B9dbvrF9Sh
In order to keep the quality of communication in our Line group,
I will set the limt on 150 of people.