dosandonts (Catalano is A+)
2016-03-05 13:16:42Dear Sir/Ma'am:
Thanks for your kindly reply.
In fact, I lost my job.
My manager told me that he needed a senior marketing specialist, not me.
Therefore, he fired me last night.
The other colleague may also lose his job on the upcoming March 14, 15.
It's because our boss who is a Japanese lady would like to change to
a new site and build a whole new team with solid backgrounds.
Anyway, thanks for your pat pat.
I felt relived.
Now it's time to start to move on!
And find a new job to launch myslef into the market.
Have a nice day!
Kind Regards,
※ 引述《hellolego (hellolego)》之铭言:
: I was in your situation before, and I realized how difficult it was.
: Every start is the most hardest time.
: Try to be friendly and humble. Also, you could ask your seniors for some help,
: but I guess they might be busy all the time that couldnt spare any moments
: for you.
: In this case, the only one who can help you is yourself, and the only
: thing that you could do is to strengthen your abilities, no matter
: language skills or the work techniques.
: I thought you are definiely qualified to be in this position, so hang on
: and overcome the challenges.
: Don's worry too much, buy a cup of coffee or decorate your office desk would
: also make you feel better:)