permanent (Have a nice life.)
2015-11-19 22:27:36请想参加的伙伴请直接到meeting现场即可,不用事先报名。^_^
1. 自介:Bliss English Club is a wonderful and cool place running since 1997
where you can learn English, make friends and have fun.
2. 对象:People who are interested in English.
3. 目标:Using English to learn about the world.
4. 原因:Want to learn English, make friends and have fun~ :p
5. 地点:台北市民族西路33号4楼,圆山捷运站1号出口直走,
步行约3分钟, 民族西路与玉门街交叉口的白色建筑物.
(进入树乐集餐厅里, 请走楼梯上4楼)
6. 时间:Almost every Saturday 14:00~17:00
7. 方式:We speak English during meeting time.
(Of course, out of the meeting at dinner time, we speak Chinese)
A meeting could be any form that designed by the host: group
discussion, writing, watching movies, games, debate, personal
It's fun because we can always learn from others' expertise and
experiences during all kinds of meeting.
8. 范围:A topic could be any subject, from Astronomy, product innovation,
literature to art.
9. 人数限制:No
11.运作规则:餐厅最低消费用每人一杯饮料或小点心, 约NT$130~220元.
"Man and woman ~ your erroneous zones" by Barkley on 11/21
Do you like driving around?喜欢开车兜风吗?It's fun to drive your own vehicle
along the country roads
Release the clutch , With the gas pedal and brakes we enjoy driving freely.
You can maintain the speed or accelerate a bit or make a stop Why ? Because
you can control the vehicle by yourself.
But , you could recall your first driving, it's not an easy thing.
Everything seems out of control .
Actually, life issue is something like driving , can you control yourself
well ? It's time of the year end, let's stop to review our life then consider
how to go forward.
Make a stop see you this week ~ BK
1 st Part
Introduction of erroneous zones
2 nd Part
Quiz and cell group discussion
3 rd Part
Role play and sharing
Bliss blog:http://blisstaipei520.pixnet.net/blog/
Bliss 粉丝团:https://www.facebook.com/bliss1997?fref=nf