[Talk] I need working holiday friends

楼主: mimikapple ( 寂寞杀死一只猫。)   2015-05-05 23:51:21
Hello every, this is my first article in this board.
I want to go to Britain, Canada or Australia next year for working holiday
I need friends who live in Taipei even go together with me,
we can chat each other for practise and finally working holiday together.
If you have same idea as me, write letter for me please.
作者: aquamoose (飞天水麋鹿)   2015-05-06 07:13:00
if you decided to come to UK, I know quite a fewpeople on working holiday here, I can introduce toyou
作者: shawncat (Shawn)   2015-05-06 14:43:00
check out your spelling
作者: viable (《私人创作》)   2015-05-10 12:55:00
It's a pity I'm over 30. Seems like age is regulated

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