kria5304 (XenoMegaREENovaSaga)
2015-02-24 13:14:57I was boring cleaning up my bookcase and found my composition collection book,
which was wriiten in high school. It's quite interesting to read that again
after these years, though my English ability really goes worse XDD. Post one of
the most interesting one:
One evening after hard working, Rydia was heading her way home. While passing
through a little lane, Rydia felt that something is strange, someone is
following her. After realized that, she began to run, " It's almost there! "
she thought to herself without her step stopped. But she had to stop because
there's another man appeared in front of her with a knife on his hand and mask
on his face.
" Don't worry, we won't hurt you, we just need money. " " No, you... you stay
there and you too, don't come close to me, or I swear I will scream out loud...
" . But they just came closer and closer, so the lady began to shout " Somebody
H E L P~ " .
By the moment she screamed, a man with golden hair suddenly showed up. No one
knew where on earth that man came from or who he was, but some say that there
was shining light growing out of his body. " Who... who are you? " the bad guys
asked. "I'm the last hope of SAIYAN... KA... ME... HA... ME... HA!! " then the
bad guys became the twinkling stars in the sky. And then the man disappeared.
Some said that it was the man who save the earth from destroyed by aliens, and
people called him, Goku, the SAIYAN.
Teacher's comment: kind of mysterious!