[Talk] I found someone who was like my friend

楼主: dosandonts (Catalano is A+)   2015-02-02 19:18:12
Today I went to work for a restaurant with my little satisfied mood
which was that I had a job vacancy for Me !
With such a surprised heart, I totally buried myself into working for
a period of time that was until this afternoon around 4:00pm.
Suddenlly I memorized one thing!
That is, I met a man whose looking was just like my friend!
The chief of the store was looking like my friend whom was my favorite
friend and I was totally tended to talk and chat with him for a long time.
I was so excited and felt that I should go for a therapy to cure my illness
I thought that I was cured for somehow extent.
I missed my friend so much and so long.
I longed for them forever.
作者: mabansis (mabansis)   2015-02-03 11:17:00
you should go for a therapy

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