krock422 (Kelly)
2014-09-09 12:08:52Hey guys, I'm Kelly. And yes, I LOVE travelling :)
and... I love meeting new people.
Two years ago, I went to the US. From then on, I fell in love with the
whole exploring everything and travelling alone idea.
I mean... I'm not the kind of person that enjoys being a lone wolf while
travelling, but I do think that it's easier. You don't really have to care
about others.
AND... for me...
It's not exactly alone alone
When you're just one single person travelling, it becomes much easier
to make new friends.
So this is something I want to share about my summer vaca.
I decided to go to Portugual and France this summer.
"You're going to Paris alone? You're so brave..." or
"Europe? Alone? you don't even speak Portuguese or French!"
That's what my friends said to me when I told them about my plans.
These are the three countries I went.
I'm not going to get into details about how amazing those cities are (cause
it'll take forever haha), but I do want to talk about what makes my trip this
summer so memorable that I want to share the experience with everyone.
First, hostels over hotels.
Hostels are one of the greatest places to meet people.
(I mean if you just want to have a nice vacation without getting bothered or
not really interested in meeting people than yeah... hotels will be better.)
(Like picking hotels, you MUST read the reveiws before booking your hostels!)
There are hostels that are more chilled and there are those party hostels.
Depends on which vibe you like... I think both of them are nice.
BUT, do not just stay in your room. Hang out with people in the common area.
Don't be shy to talk to others! Most travellers are super friendly.
(Of course, MOST... not all haha)
If you don't know what to say... just... reach out your hand, give a nice
smile and say "HI, I'm blah blah blah..." and normally the conversations will
go on. At least that worked for me everytime :P
Second, be spontaneous.
I did do some homework before my trip, but I didn't make exact plans. When
I was in europe, I found most travellers pretty spontaneous.
"I feel like going to the catacombs today. You wanna come?"
"Haven't been there yet... so... yeah sure!" or
"Any plans today?" "I'm thinking Notre Dame and..." "Can I tag along?"
"That'll be awesome."
Last but not least, be even more spontaneous when it comes to the night plans.
One night I went bar hopping with a few people I met in the hostel.
Time flied and it was 2:30am...
Some guy was like, "I feel like going to the Eiffel tower."
After finding out that it would take us an hour to walk there...
We still went.
Just not walking, but by cabs. Crazy nights.
These are just my opinions. Not everyone feels this way though...
I'm so happy that I took this trip.
Experienced different culture.
Wowed by the spectacular view.
Met a lot of cool people.
(I'm glad that I'm still in touch with most of them!)
Ok... I'm going to stop rambling now :P