bjk (Up2u)
2014-07-28 16:51:53※ [本文转录自 StudyGroup 看板 #1JrWySXc ]
作者: bjk (Up2u) 看板: StudyGroup
标题: [学友] [全国] group on Line chat in English
时间: Mon Jul 28 16:51:37 2014
hey guys . please feel free to join us if you like to chat in English by line
tell me something about your hobbies
focus on hobbies and experince
decribing why you like it and how do you feel when
you doing it .
or you can share something interesting and have
your own opinion.
for example:
i learn something about sleep that is "staying up late once a month help
reset our body clock." . share it to you
this is what i thought about this article.
to take a detour means to go to the destination by another way instead of the
original one you used to go.
whenever the pass changes,the mood changes, too.
i ride my bike casually on my way home when i am not in a hurry.
i found a lot of fruit store around me and they are in a lane.
you will get good mood if you find something new.
if you feel stuck and bad luck , try to do something different.
if you drive to work , take the bus instead.
to get up ten or fifteen minutes early makes you a relaxed morning.
the weather is very hot recently. to take a cold shower , go to swimming ,
eat watermelon, is a way to overcome depression naturally.