※ 引述《rainy0122 (漂浮者)》之铭言:
: Hello, I’m Rochelle.
: I wanna make friends who would like to chat with me in English.
: We can share our daily life, discuss the movies we watched, comment everything you are concerned, talk about TV series…etc.
: LINE will be our communication tool. We can send text or audio message and have short talk sometimes.
: If you are 24-30 years old
: If you love to share
: If you are easygoing
: If you are hard-working on practice your English
: If you always have dream to travel round the world
: (You must have some reasons to learn English)
: If you like to watch TV series and movies
: (TV series I had watched: Friends, Sex and the City, the Walking Dead, Grey's anatomy......)
: Please give me a chance to get to know you! Do not hesitate to send me mail via PTT.
: Having a short self-introduction will be awesome. :)
: Looking forward to receiving mails from you! :D