abc (在澳洲ing)
2014-04-11 01:33:04Youtube:
This is what happened today in the afternoon at 4 o’clock.
One man bought drinks and food from McDonald’s and delivered it to the students at legislative yuan.
The students refused to accept because they were trying to clean up the space.
The man refused to leave, both sides began to argue, and the drinks splashed to the ground.
4 students whose sizes are twice as the man’s forced him to leave while having him strangled by one of them.
At this point we have to question if this is legal for students to perform such an act on a man who is not committed to crimes, but instead, with food and drinks from McDonald’s. Is this dangerous enough to make the strangling reasonable? How far are the students allowed to exercise their power? One of the parent at the scene, severely questioned the legitimacy of this act while his daughter was also inside the legislative yuan.