[文法] 会话的文法

楼主: Beanoodle (屏东尼大目小栗旬)   2022-01-27 21:44:35
作者: enggys (Sam)   2022-01-28 10:15:00
语意有巧妙的差别... 用 "we are going to" 暗示已经成团了, 即使妳不能来, 也计画好要作些什么事情了. 用 "we were going to" 暗示还差妳一个才能成团, 如果妳不来, 原本计画好的事情就不能作了. 后者能表达出较强的期待, 加上一点情绪勒索 XD
作者: scju (QQ)   2022-01-28 12:05:00
作者: enggys (Sam)   2022-01-28 12:58:00
Pascal 可能没注意到, 这里会让中文母语者困惑的点, 是在于 "语用" 而不是 "语意" ^_^
作者: scju (QQ)   2022-01-28 13:51:00
作者: enggys (Sam)   2022-01-28 15:11:00
您觉得这三句在语意上有没有差异呢?1. We are going to do something tomorrow.2. We were going to do something tomorrow.3. We decided to do something tomorrow.
作者: scju (QQ)   2022-01-28 15:34:00
作者: enggys (Sam)   2022-01-28 16:24:00
的确就是一连串的情境啊, 前面的说法不能让 Linda 早点来, 才接着说出 "红字部分" 要她晚点还是要过来. 这种说话技巧双方都了解, 所以我最早推文说的语意只能 "暗示" 而非 "明讲", 因为双方心里都有谱后面对话可能会有其他发展. 大家以中文沟通时应该都懂, 换成英文不会就不懂了吧. (还是我又过度解读惹) 回到原 po 的问题点, 上述三句的差异, Pascal 解释给您了吗?
作者: scju (QQ)   2022-01-28 16:40:00
作者: enggys (Sam)   2022-01-28 17:39:00
I think you forgot to include the adverb "tomorrow" in the questions to Pascal, which is what caused OP'sconfusion in the first place. My first sentence meansthat we have a plan for tomorrow, and it's highly likely that we'll stick to that plan. The second sentence implies that there may be a change of plan. The third sentence simply states that the decision was madein the past. Please consider including those three sentences for the sake of clarity, if you wish to askPascal again.题外话, 英语相关问题推荐去 StackExchange 或 Quora 提问, 那边有专板, 也有众多语言专家会解答. 别的地方可能要碰点运气, 不小心就会像 ptt 车/房/股板一样, 上班族跑去向中学生请教 XD 先祝各位虎年行大运喔.
作者: cuylerLin (cuylerLin)   2022-01-28 18:48:00
我的看法跟 scju 大一样,单纯字面上来看就只是在说那个决定是过去的,根本没有额外情勒的成分,实际对话的时候那句话可以因语气改变让人觉得或不觉得那是情勒,而且说真的情勒是 an objective experience on the receiver's end,口说不是微积分或理论股价这种 deterministic science,within the possible realm of interpretations of a sentence, any one of them is plausible, but some are, of course, more likely to happen than others, suggesting not that there is some definite yardstick with which we could judge the likelihood of an interpretation, but that the concept of "bestness" should function more or less like a shifting window of all possible ones, with them collectively modulated by the given contextual immediacy.
作者: enggys (Sam)   2022-01-28 19:04:00
我有些好奇两位对那三个例句的解读各为何呢? 这一串讨论显然就是因为解读不同而引起的.
作者: oosh0329 (rickes)   2022-01-28 19:17:00
我今天跟Stacy讨论,决定明天出去玩,但Linda说她不能去我今天跟Stacy讨论,原本决定明天出去玩,但Linda说她不能去...中英文肯定是不一样,但如果拿这两句去问中文母语者:他们明天的计画有改变吗?我相信两句话都不会一面倒都同一个答案。然而第二句的“原本”这两字把明天出去的计画改变的机率大幅提升对Pascal来说,were going to就是过去的一个决定这么单纯,类似于"太糟了吧!我们都决定要租电影跟订披萨了!"但如果当天是为了Linda生日所办的Sleepover趴那么were going to代表的意义可能就不一样了
作者: PPmYeah (寂寞雪山隧道)   2022-01-28 22:11:00
e大的解读是对的were going to 暗示 Stacy 预期从 "Are you free tomorrow night?" 这问题当中 得到的回复是 "Yes" 的;所以得到"No, I'm not." 的回复后, 原本已经计画好并可能告诉 Linda 的活动已经泡汤, 成为旧信息但之所以选择依旧说出来, 确实有较强的失望语气在里面也就是e大说的: 原本已把你(Linda)假定成团员的意思(打电话之前的预期心理)如今计画少了一人, 就不能确定 rent a movie and orderpizza 会不会继续进行下去 ...是情勒(积极希望对方改变主意) 或失望(被动接受结果)的解读其实需要听实际的对话才能得知了喔看了后面还有未完的对话: Can your parents find...(ry应该可以直接确定是偏向e大说的情勒(或者说强烈希望对方重新考虑)的语气了
作者: yoson (yoson)   2022-01-28 22:47:00
这相当于 我们“本来”打算 rent a movie and order pizza的那个“本来”囉至于这个“本来”代表什么意涵,我会觉得是让语气更委婉,不要让Stacy觉得 We will do it without you anyway.
作者: scju (QQ)   2022-01-30 13:06:00
作者: cuylerLin (cuylerLin)   2022-01-30 17:40:00
疴... from time to time... lol
作者: enggys (Sam)   2022-01-30 17:49:00
结果被 moderator 文质彬彬地 "各不打五十大板" XD 所以Stacy 说的话有可能包含暗示; 也有可能 Stacy 没想要作暗示, 但自己当下也不知道她的话可以包含暗示 XD 也就是说我们要和 Stacy 够熟才能懂她这句话的意思. 但这似乎否定了不少从教材学英文的价值 XDI'll let cuyerlin to figure out the meaning of that phrase himself ^_^
作者: cuylerLin (cuylerLin)   2022-01-30 18:01:00
Well, you're too sweet. You don't have to worry abtme. Hope you find what you were looking for on that forum ^_^
作者: enggys (Sam)   2022-01-30 18:15:00
I wasn't really worrying about you, but now I kinda do because there are two grammar mistakes in your lastsentence.I'm sorry, that was a cheap shot. We all make grammarmistakes from time to time.I suppose we all have better things to do than havingpetty fights on bbs. My parents were wondering why Ikept peeking at my phone at the dinner table ^_^Here's wishing everyone a happy Chinese new year. I'll see y'all after the holidays.

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