在比较两种游戏对孩童影响时 原句老师加进了that of的用法 我上网查了一下 还是不太清楚这边是否一定要加进that of或that in文法才正确 想请教版内高手,谢谢! 1. 我: Childern's emotion after playing LEGO is better than playing online games. 师改: Children's emotion after playing LEGO is better than that of playing online games. 2. 我: The sense of satisfaction in those who played LEGO is lower than those who played online games. 师改: The sense of satisfaction in those who played LEGO is lower than that in those who played online games.
作者: LF25166234 (阿扬) 2021-02-23 13:06:00
that of = children’s emotions of playing online gamesthan前后比较的东西必须要一致children’s emotion (前句)没办法跟playing onlinegames做比较(后句)