zyxx (321)
2017-10-24 12:30:53※ 引述《Danny0828 (danny)》之铭言:
: 钓鱼有90%的时间在等待,
: 等待可能在烈日、大雨、大风中渡过,
: 而另外10%是在与鱼搏斗,
: 鱼的天性能够知道岸上有掠食者而躲起来,
: 因此,垂钓者必须隐身成为湖畔的一部分。
Ninty percents of your time are waiting after you wrote a shitpost.
There would be mocking, teasing and blaming as you wait.
You'll take the chance to expect an answer in other ten percents.
It's a common sense that people will judge you severely.
That is why a shitposter must learn to use Google translator at the first palce.