[求译] 往旁边传…等课堂上用得到的句子

楼主: crackedup (crackedupESS)   2014-09-29 10:57:56
1 crossword answer sheet 背面向上,不许翻面直到我说go
2 照号码坐
3 往旁边传
4 遥控器放在扶手椅子的扶手上
5 挑战你的极限
6 每个人都有机会回答问题
7 课堂上不能写作业,只能做记号 (希望是标语式的感觉)
1 keep the crossword answer sheet back up, don't turn to front until I say go.
2 sit by numders
3 pass it aside
4 place remote on the handle of your armchair
(是有扶手的椅子,但不是摇椅那种,不知可用 armchair吗?)
5 challenge your limit
6 everyone gets chances to answer question, 不知道要用 chance还是opportunity?
7 no homework writing, only marking allowed (希望尽量短句,标语式的感觉)
作者: andrenvq57 (喂!威,喂?)   2014-09-30 11:05:00
1. ..back page/side.. ..the front..
楼主: crackedup (crackedupESS)   2014-09-30 12:12:00
作者: andrenvq57 (喂!威,喂?)   2014-10-01 03:14:00
3. 可以更精确的说pass to your right/left4. 扶手是armrest6. chance就可以

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