BadGame (人生 欢乐易忘却执著痛苦)
2022-01-31 01:31:21https://sf2mix.github.io/download.html
Version 1.1
- Increased the charge time of Balrog's moves..
- Increased the charge time of Guile's moves.
- Balrog (Buffalo Headbutt) does not give extra hits if it hits the opponent
in the air.
- Blanka (Electric Rolling Attack) fixed bug when canceling.
- Bison (Psycho Crusher) added attack at the end of the movement.
- Chun-Li (Double Kick) changed damage type of the first kick.
- Honda (Super Rage Zutsuki) goes through projectiles.
- Zanguief (Air Piledriver) removed.
- V.Ken (Shoryuken) weak changed range and height.
Version 1.2
- Chun-Li (Double Kick) decreased strong projectile damage.
- Honda (Super Rage Zutsuki) fixed goes through Guile (Sonic Boom).
- Zanguief increased damage.
- Dhalsim Light Punch close up must be defended down.
- Dhalsim (Double Yoga Fire) increased damage.