Updated Requirements
24 Oct 2019
The upcoming MAME 0.215 release will be the last version that can be compiled
with GCC 5 or GCC 6. Going forward, the minimum supported compiler will be
GCC 7.2 or clang 5. The Windows development tools have included GCC 7.4 for
some time already, so you won’t need to update unless you haven’t in a very
long time.
即将到来的 MAME 0.215 将是支援 GCC 5 或 GCC 6 编译的最后一版,之后编译
MAME 所需的编译器要求至少为 GCC 7.2 或 clang 5。网页上的 Windows 开发工具
已经包含了 GCC 7.4 ,除非很久没更新,不然无须刻意下载。
MAME 0.217 will be the last release with pre-built 32-bit Windows binaries
supplied. Starting in 2020, you’ll need to compile MAME yourself if you want
a 32-bit version. We’ll still support building for 32-bit architectures, but
optimisation for 32-bit x86 will not be a priority.
而 MAME 0.217 将是最后预先编译 32 位元 Windows 执行档的版本,自 2020 年起
如果需要 32 位元版本的 MAME 必须自行编译,虽然仍会支援 32 位元架构,但是
32 位元 x86 的最佳化将不再是优先考虑的项目。
※ = 该换 64 位元了啦。