conpo (狮子たちの旗)
2019-06-24 20:39:532019.06.23
fs-uae is a multi-platform Amiga emulator based on UAE/WinUAE, with a focus
on emulating floppy-disk and CD-ROM based games. An important feature of the
emulator is that it is fully controllable with a gamepad from your couch,
with an on-screen GUI, which means that you can easily swap floppies and load
save states with your gamepad. fs-uae is well suited to be started from an
emulator frontend running on a HTPC, for instance.
The emulator has less configuration options than other UAE variants, but
rather focuses on default settings which just works. For example, if you are
running fs-uae in Amiga 500 mode, you cannot turn off cycle-exact mode.
Changes in FS-UAE 3.0 (compared to 2.8):
* Fixed JIT direct access on modern Linux distributions.
* FS-UAE default is now to show a 692×540 image, not stretched to fill
* Built-in configurations for many more game controllers.
* New option whdload_quit_key to gracefully quit slaves.
* Added more shaders (compiled/ported/written by guest.r and rsn8887).
* Updated emulation core from WinUAE 3300b2.
* Several new configuration options (see Changelog for details).
* Many more smaller fixes and updates (see Changelog for details).
Changes in FS-UAE Launcher 3.0 (compared to 2.8):
* Plugins can provide files for offline use (WHDLoad, JST, SKick, etc).
* Added support for .gz/.adz/.roz/.xz-compressed files.
* Support WHDLoad versions 18.4 and 18.5 (game database).
* Revert fullscreen_mode to default when upgrading from older versions.
* Use https for all more fs-uae.net and openretro.org communication.
* Support hd_requirements = xpkmaster.library.
* Fixed problem on Windows where devices were sometimes not detected.
* Make configurations list wider when window width is quite large.
* Try to use config from game database when launching with a WHDLoad archive.
* Extract WHDLoad arguments from .info file when loading a WHDLoad archive.
* Sync “unpublished” games from the online game database, option to show.
* Many bugfixes and smaller improvements (see Changelog for details).
* Only x86-64 (64-bit) official builds for Windows and macOS and Linux.
* Building for x86 (32-bit) still works on all platforms.
* 32-bit packages for Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and openSUSE are still available.
* Builds for macOS require 10.9+. The source can be built for older versions.
(Bottom line, no support is removed from the source code. I just want to
maintain less build environments).