conpo (狮子たちの旗)
2017-05-11 20:45:482017.05.15
Changes TeknoParrot 0.3:
- Sega Racing Classic supported! (DO NOT ENABLE NETWORK OR IT WILL FREEZE
FOREVER, missing network emu code)
- Test menu now works for all games. (YES this includes saving settings)
- Completely recoded DumbJvsBrain and now it's called DumbJvsManager
- Full UI interface and no more needing to use command line at all.
- Easy to setup joysticks from list, once saved they will be remembered.
- Keyboard support, only uses keyboard for that player that has "No joystick
- com0com now get automatically set when user presses "Auto setup JVS
emulation ports" (admin required)
- It even has button to test the jvs emulation ports.
- Added 3 unit tests for JVS emulator, more to come later
- Refactored all code and moved all common items to DumbsJvs.Common
- So if people can want to make own launchers it's easier to use only the
dll. (DumbJvs.Common)
- Improved JVS emulation code a little bit.
- Games can now be directly set in the launcher and launched from the
launcher easily. (Commandline coming later)
- Jvs emulation is only present when game is running, once game exists it
also exists.
- Emulator now reroutes game COM4 to COM13 instead to avoid conflics.
- Emulator core improvements.
- Pressing ESC now quits the game.
Changes TeknoParrot 0.2:
- Core fixes
- Melty Blood Actress Againt Current Code supported!
==Game Support==
Virtua Tennis 4
- .NET 4.5.2
- Dumped arcade game files
- com0com signed files (see our forum for tutorial)
1. Extract files to any folder.
2. Run DumbJvsBrain (.NET needed!) with parameters: DumbJvsBrain 1 <your
virtual com port>
Example: DumbJvsBrain 1 COM10
3. Use ParrotLoader to run the game
Example: ParrotLoader.exe c:\games\vt4\VT4_RING_r.exe
Example for test menu: ParrotLoader.exe c:\games\vt4\VT4_RING_r.exe -t
4. Have fun.
5. Give imporvement tips and requests in our forum!
his release is beta quality. If something breaks, review any
pertinent comments on teknogods.com, then email me as a last resort.
Include all log files and a detailed description of problem and
how to reproduce it.
Our community of course! :)
King of Spain for his life time of work with the arcades.
King of Austria for his excellent work on Lindbergh and other emulators.
MAME crew
Anyone else I forgot to mention whose work has helped me in the past and the
==No Thanks==
Reddit /r/emulation :D