Re: [情报] OpenBor AOF trouble in Southtown

楼主: BadGame (人生 欢乐易忘却执著痛苦)   2016-02-23 19:07:03
多了乳摇King 角色可以选了(之前测试中影片)
* v1.2 CHANGES *
- completed the end game south town museum with all the things
- added a new better song to the good ending
- added king has playble character
- challenges at tao tao cafe are now easier to beat enemies have less health
- you can now fight angela belti in south_town_free_map when final challenge
its complete
- fixed and remade variours musics that had a lot of distrotion
- replaced some level musics with better ones
- adjusted all levels and enemies dificulty
- enemies now walk slower show their health also shows the combo rush
- some bosses are now more easy to beat and have less health
- added a more small damage to all players attacks and more speed
- added a new charge mp button to all players (attack3) see torurial
- added a new freespecial kicks to kungfu yuri see tutorial
- fixed mr karate down forward jump freespecial he now jumps less
- added grenade punch to johnny see toturial
- added pistol ground attack to johnny the machinegun
- made small changes to the club kat levels you can now see less boobs
- changed some levels front layers that were to much in front of the player
- and i cant rebember the rest...
作者: conpo (狮子たちの旗)   2016-02-23 22:55:00
作者: EDGE (選前擾民選後隱形)   2016-02-23 23:39:00
楼主: BadGame (人生 欢乐易忘却执著痛苦)   2016-02-23 23:53:00
之前因为再等修正 所以只有抓还没玩过 看影片才知道内容有够庞大 真的不简单..光开场就13分钟了又有Bug了回报 会当机 可能要等后续改版

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