conpo (狮子たちの旗)
2014-09-09 11:19:542014.09.07
NMK004 ROM Dumping, Part 2
This is post is a sequel to a previous post:
An interstitiary post now. I realize that I absolutely blew right through any
background information and as a result that last post was probably gibberish
to most people. A bit of explanation is in order then. Before continuing, I'd
like to give thanks to all of the people who worked on the NMK004 simulation
in MAME. Though this work could have been done without it, it definitely
would have taken much much longer. I owe a great amount of gratitude to those
contributors, especially Nicola Salmoria.
First off, this short project's goal is to dump the internal ROM of a
protected sound CPU used on many arcade PCBs made by NMK. This sound CPU is
labeled NMK004, and is a TLCS-90 CPU