myhoney (MyHoney)
2008-05-30 00:17:01※ [本文转录自 Tech_Job 看板]
作者: myhoney () 看板: Tech_Job
标题: [情报] 美商爱特公司征求电机系人才(本周面试)
时间: Fri May 30 00:12:25 2008
Actel Corp 美商爱特股份有限公司台湾分公司 (公司HQ在美国硅谷)
征求 Yield Enhancement Engineer
上班地点: 新竹市
面试人员本周在台湾, 有意者请速寄 Email 至 yaonan.ji@gmail.com
职务说明: The successful candidate will be working on our existing and next generation Flash based FPGA products
You will work with our foundries, Design teams and Technology Development groups to deliver our Flash based products and to maximize yields
You will be performing electrical failure analysis to isolate Design and Fab related product issues
The position requires strong failure analysis skills and the ability to debug complex design or fab related issues
详细说明请参考104人力银行 post
或是于www.104.com.tw 找公司, 用关键字 Actel Corp 搜寻