mrkey (è·é›¢å¤ªé æ€å¿µå¤ªè¿‘)
2015-10-05 12:57:28"You're always late." 讲这句话的同时, 那种心痛真是难以言喻.
挺悲伤的 season finale.
前面一集的布局 这集似乎都交了答案出来
* Eichorst 的神秘 "动物处理" 工厂似乎在加速赶工的情况下已经完工
<< Occido Lumen 落到谁手上? >>
* 老爷, Fet 出发去标下 Occido Lumen
* 来到了 Creem 的地盘, 老爷, Fet 和 Eichorst 都出现在了场合, 老爷和 Eichorst
两人互相你一言我一句后, 竞标开始
* 两人以不浪费时间的方式从 $5M 喊到 $300M
* Creem 表示以两人银行所拥有的金钱, 最高者以最低者 + 1 cent 的价格标出,
* 老爷: $323M, Eichorst: $351.8M
* 看似 Eichorst 胜出, 没想到 Coco & Palmer 的逆袭出现:
不允许金钱转帐到 Creem 的帐户
* Eichorst 不忍心输掉但在 Creem 帮派的逼迫下也必须摸鼻闪人
* 不忍心输掉的 Eichorst 带了一堆 strigoi 偷袭老爷和 Fet
* 但就在看似逃不了的同时, Quinlan, Gus 等人过来 "帮忙", 替老爷和 Fet 解围
* Quinlan 和借由 EIchorst 身体的 The Master 对话:
"Quinlan: 你很聪明的今晚没有现身, 很俗辣, 但很聪明"
"Master: 我谁都不怕"
"Quinlan: 我也是"
当然 Eichorst 还是逃掉了
* Gus 跑上车去想要活抓老爷和 Fet, 结果爆炸哥 Fet 用了炸弹炸了车子,
<< 香消玉殒, part 1 >>
* 又再度狼狈逃掉的 Eichorst 跑去兴师问罪 Palmer 和 Coco
* Palmer 和 Coco 耍高姿态要求两边讲公平, Eichorst 火大把 Master 叫出来
* Palmer 强硬但颤抖的要和 Master 讲条件, Master 直接一舌让 Coco 领便当
* Coco 死后, Palmer 挖出了 Coco 的心脏, 独自在黑暗里哭泣
<< Quinlan 和老爷... >>
* 老爷和 Fet 逃出来, 但 Gus, Quinlan 和 Angel 也跟上两人
* 老爷也知道 Quinlan 的目的: Ancients 的目标不是书,
* 老爷表示书毁了, Master 就赢了, Ancients 应该也不希望如此
<< 主角群逃亡记 >>
* Eph, Zack, Nora 前往车站准备南下
* 到了车站上了车, 三人旁边坐的居然是 Fonescu 和紧抱的公事箱
* 然而三人上了火车这一幕被.... Kelly 看到了
* 火车开动, 但 Kelly 召集了一缸子 strigoi 在铁轨当人肉盾牌
* 火车撞上 strigoi, 出轨, 大家开始慌张逃亡
* Eph 跑去买水因此和 Zack, Nora 分开
* Eph 心急如焚的寻找 Zack & Nora, 而两人碰到了 Kelly...
<< Eph 真爱大对决 >>
* Nora 要和 Kelly 1 on 1 单挑, 一开始 Nora 快刀搞定 Kelly,
眼见 Nora 要一刀砍毙命 Kelly....
* Zack 大喊了 No.
* 放松了的 Nora 被 Kelly 痛击, Zack 要妈妈放手....
* Kelly 走到 Zack 面前, 紧紧的抱住了儿子, 然后两人牵手离开...
<< 香消玉殒, part 2 >>
* Eph 晚了一步跑来, 但看见 Nora 以被 Kelly 全身喷了白虫
* Eph: "We can manage this, I can figure something out."
Nora: "You're always late. I already hear his voice in me.
His will is creeping into mine.
I don't want him to hear your words, to see you through my eyes.
I would come for you. I would come for you and Zack."
* 说完, Nora 用剑碰高压电, 悲剧收场.
* 最后一幕, Fet 带着老爷, Gus 和 Quinlan, 在东河的船上, 不知往哪走...
Long ago, I pledged my life to opposing these monsters. Since then,
I have lost everything dear to me, driven to the edge of madness in my
quest for knowledge, and vengence.
Now, one step away from victory, why do I feel more trepidation
than triumph? What insidious plan does the Master have for human kind?
We have become overconfident as a species, we ignorantly believed
in our primacy over all else, over all other species, over the planet itself.
Will we perish under our own greed and selfishness? Or will we
overcome and survive?
A short time ago, our current reality was beyond imagination, now
we have one last chance to win back our world.
In order to defeat the Master, we must be as cold and ruthless
and savage as he is, and yet without becoming monsters ourselves.