If you’ve been paying attention to the post–Game of Thrones Season 5 chatter
you’ll know that when it comes to the shocking death and possible return of
Jon Snow, the cast and crew of the HBO series have been presenting a pretty
unified front. Read between the lines of various interviews and you’ll find
the underlying message is, “Jon Snow is dead. He’s not coming back. Get
over it.” Or at least that was the message until this new interview with
actress Emilia Clarke. She’s always been a rebel, that Khaleesi.
略翻 尽管导演编剧和剧组人员口径一致的说 姜史诺就是死了 不会再回来了。
但是事情似乎有了转机 在叛逆的卡丽熙接受MTV的专访中
While talking to MTV’s Josh Horowitz about Kit Harington’s departure,
Clarke said that the show-runners keep secrets from her because, “They know
that I can’t lie very well.” So we can maybe believe her when she says, “I
can, with all honesty, say I have no idea what’s happening.” She could have
left it there and still been pretty much on message, but those weren’t Clarke
’s final words on the fate of the Lord Commander. Like the rest of us,
Clarke noticed that Melisandre’s hasty return to the Wall was awfully
convenient. If we need someone with magical, resurrecting powers, well, the
red priestess is probably our girl. Clarke pegs Jon/Kit’s chances of
returning as “50/50” and, so far, that’s the most optimistic message we’
ve heard from the Game of Thrones camp. We can take all of this with a grain
of salt and the information that Clarke, like Jon Snow, knows nothing. Still,
this crack in the HBO defenses is enough to keep hope alive.
龙女表示在you know nothing会不会回来这件事情上,他们什么都不跟我说阿,因为他们
知道拎组骂不擅于说谎阿! 不过我觉得史诺会不会回来大概 50/50吧 不然红女巫
干吗跑回长城 明显就是有人Cue补师阿
破破的略翻一下 请神人们不要介意