* Infernal Blade base damage reduced from 40 to 25/30/35/40
Doom的第三招砍伤害 之前一等实在太op...
* Armlet armor bonus when activated reduced from 5 to 4
* Essence Aura now uses Pseudo-Random Distribution
OD被动改用PRD, 变不那么随机。 我比较好奇是整队一起算还是各个英雄分开?
* Wind Lace cost increased from 225 to 235
* Wind Lace is no longer available in the Side Shop
wind lace 涨价 不能在边路买了 (support QQ)
* Silver Edge now has a 300 gold recipe
大隐刀需要三百制作书 (还是能拆的样子)
* Arc Warden base damage improved by 4
虽然这版arc改成后期不强 但是前中期打架很猛的 持续buff中
* Vengeful Spirit Intelligence reduced from 15 + 1.75 to 13 + 1.5
* Super Creep gold increase over time reduced from 2 to 1.5 per upgrade cycle
破一路的超级士兵每七分半增加的钱变少 加速游戏速度的改动
* Beastmaster's Boar Poison no longer pierces Spell Immunity
* Greevil's Greed no longer benefits illusions
炼金的幻象现在不会继承贪婪被动 (rip 鬼手 辉耀 分身 玲珑心 build)
* Storm Spirit Intelligence increased from 23 + 2.6 to 24 + 3.0
蓝猫大buff! 但是之前大招砍太凶 回不去了...
* Slardar base movement speed reduced from 300 to 295
* Metamorphosis no longer increases Base Attack Time
* Conjure Image damage taken reduced from 425% to 400%
TB这版增加到十点护甲比赛还是没什么人选 冰蛙继续buff
第二招幻象受到伤害降低 第三招用了基本攻击时间不会上升(原本1.5->1.6)
* Stifling Dagger base damage increased from 60 to 75
PA第一招buff 但是反甲跟深渊的改动对她来说太伤了...
* AoE Bounty Gold based on level reduced from 8/7/6/4/4 to 6/5/4/3/3 per level
修正一些 comeback mechanism 偶尔能看到 0 streak的头一颗8xx一定是哪里做坏了..
* Grave Chill cast range increased from 600 to 650
Visage buff 这招用来zone offlane蛮好用的
* Jinada slow reduced from 18/22/26/30% to 15/20/25/30%
赏金继续nerf 但是个人认为不会影响太大 应该还是bp常客
至少让流星可以disjoint吧 常常跳走还是被砸死 囧
上次Lich nerf来得又快又狠
"OD and Invoker are op for 4 months, lets give Lich 4 days"