[情报] Oct20-23SEA服务器维修不稳(10/22关机)

楼主: qqhom (Nevermore)   2014-10-22 14:08:02
资料来源 : http://www.dota2.com/maintenance/
The Singapore matchmaking region will be undergoing some changes next week.
There will be a maintenance period from October 20th until October 23rd
Singapore time. On October 22nd the region will be entirely unavailable, and
during the other times it will be operating under limited capacity (fewer
servers available for usage). We will be rebuilding the clusters on new
server hardware and retiring the old server hardware. On the network side, we
will be improving the router architecture, as it is currently too susceptible
to packet loss under high load.
Please consult the following table to determine the nature of the maintenance
each day:
Region Date Type
Singapore October 20th Limited Capacity
Singapore October 21st Limited Capacity
Singapore October 22nd No Capacity
Singapore October 23rd Limited Capacity
昨天买treasure of the forged fury抽到POM,爽爽der
作者: BadGame (人生 欢乐易忘却执著痛苦)   2014-10-22 17:08:00
玩东南亚的LAG 从不指望 会修好 XD 还是龟美西好了
作者: rejoin (lol)   2014-10-22 18:02:00
东南亚真心不会lag啊 美西300ping才难做操作吧
作者: DpRd (在公共汽车上写信)   2014-10-22 18:30:00
In Volve we trust
作者: RickyRubio09 (神童)   2014-10-22 20:08:00
作者: awaittomoro (期待还有明天)   2014-10-22 20:40:00
作者: user324352 (使用者324352)   2014-10-22 20:48:00
作者: awaittomoro (期待还有明天)   2014-10-22 21:08:00
自从某次公告服务器维修完,在学校 网吧 家里等地方
作者: rejoin (lol)   2014-10-22 21:08:00
可以申请固定IP+net_maxroutable 576的指令
作者: awaittomoro (期待还有明天)   2014-10-22 21:09:00
作者: rejoin (lol)   2014-10-22 21:12:00
我觉得东南亚不能玩是"曾经"不能玩 然后就一直没有再连过
作者: andy410061 (高坂桐乃は俺の嫁)   2014-10-22 21:20:00
虽然除了大概两个礼拜前的不稳定以外我都连的还满顺的不过我还是想问 用固定IP会改善吗
作者: rejoin (lol)   2014-10-22 21:25:00
有人浮动很顺 有人换了固定很顺(皆为中华电信)
作者: oichi (calamity)   2014-10-22 22:54:00

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