rejoin (lol)
2014-08-07 19:20:31※ 引述《boyo (29大头)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《boyo (29大头)》之铭言:
: : WTF!!!!!!!!!! TI3都比完多久了
: : Commander不出就是不出 当大家都不用决斗了是吗?
: : 不决斗也没关系 下一只是GT啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊
: : 马的
: : 诚如楼上所说
: : SB到处肆虐 福利安炼金每场狂刷
: : 烦
: http://i.imgur.com/hCbtDTS.jpg
: 经过一年的奋战 终于把路人场DP的胜率拉到50趴以上
: 听说这套飞鞋吹杖伺机偷推的叫Rat Dota?? Orz
: Zues还是没啥改变RO+Septer 靠队友撑久一点胜率就可以拉出来
: 其他Carry都玩得不行 十支枪兵九支烂 我当然不会是好的那一支
: GT赶快出阿 每天在某板删文删的我快疯了OrzOrz
In other news, as you recall from The International, Techies made a surprise
appearance during the All Star match, giving hopes of fun and mischief to
Dota children all over the world – that is until Arteezy decided to ruin the
dream. The Dota 2 Team is working on the Compendium Stretch Goals and putting
the final touches on the explosive gang. We’re aiming for a release by the
end of August.